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You are invited to participate in the Beta User Group program for ‘Accelerate’, an automated iPhone app developed to help for anyone in the beginning stages of investing.

As we prepare for a public launch of the app,,we would like to offer your music business students the opportunity to participate in our ‘Beta Testing Group’. As a Beta tester, you will be given an exclusive tool to invest and save, for free. In return, you will provide us with honest feedback so we can grow our product to scale, and learn how to better educate first time investors.

Accelerate was developed by the founder of the financial advisory firm, Plectrum Advisers. Tom Rizzo, a successful musician, started this firm to service the freelance musician community in Los Angeles, and saw an opportunity to scale his services through technology.

Those who participate in the program will:

  • Learn about the importance of investing and finance through proper asset management
  • Be given the proper tools to begin investing and saving
  • Provide valuable feedback to assist with product enhancements and website FAQ.
  • Gain first-hand insight into the music industry and what’s involved with an entrepreneurial tech start-up.

The program schedule will consist of:

  • September Introductory Webinar to learn about the platform and create your account
  • October – November: Series of interactive online user experience surveys to provide you feedback
  • December: ‘Independent Musicians, Career and Money Management: Music, Artistry, and Money’ speaking performing presentation to interact with Tom and the Plectrum Advisers team

If interested, complete the form below and we'll contact you with all the details.