Enjoyed presenting at the Production Music Association PMA 2019 Conference
I discussed how every freelancer puts enormous energy and talent into promoting his or her career-creative development, networking, keeping up with what others are doing, etc. But part of being successful involves knowing how to grow the assets that you already have, in the most efficient, risk appropriate way.
Prominent composer, orchestrator and conductor Pete Anthony, shared insights on how streaming presents both opportunities and challenges. As the income model changes, those members whose earnings are affected by the shift from traditional delivery to streaming need to know the facts, and the possible future consequences of this new model.
While many freelancers aren't knowledgeable about how to protect their hard won assets. There are several basic steps to take to ensure that your estate and your heirs are protected. Brittany Britton, Esq., provided insight on common mistakes that can be avoided, and strategies that can maximize the value of your estate for your heirs, including the benefits of trusts and wills.
Thanks to my fellow panelists Brittany and Pete. And a special thanks to Morgan McKnight, Executive Director at PMA, for inviting us!
If you have any questions about the panel please feel free to contact me tom@plectrumadvisers.com